Tooth Whitening
We have over the years whitened an awful lot of smiles. For many people the experience is life changing especially when it is combined with Invisalign treatment.
- We use the classic tray bleaching method with what we consider is a particularly effective tray design that we have developed over the years.
- We have developed techniques that mean our whitening patients have a virtually zero rate of post-treatment sensitivity as, the person who wrote this web page for instance, could not at one time whiten his teeth – now he can.
- We consistently return our patients’ tooth colour to the two whitest of the naturally occurring shades of teeth (A1/B1) on the VITA international shade guide, this is the colour your teeth had when you were in your early twenties. We call this the classic “A1/B1” result, by careful patient monitoring and top-up bleaching we can virtually maintain this result indefinitely.
- Laser tooth whitening, as scientific research by the respected Clinical Research Associates of Utah shows the results are pretty much the same as tray bleaching, BUT when we tried laser whitening on ourselves and it has been our experience that laser whitening causes a very high of discomfort during the process and then afterwards a lot of post-treatment tooth sensitivity which takes quite a while to go away.